Privacy Policy

Indigo Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Indigo"), as a business engaged in Internet system development, IoT solution/service provision, and Internet-related technology research, recognizes the protection of all personal information, including personal information received from customers, as an important management issue. In order to fulfill our responsibilities as a business that handles personal information, we have established a "Personal Information Protection Policy" and all of our employees will follow this policy to ensure the appropriate handling and management of personal information and to make improvements.

We recognize that it is an important social responsibility of a company to comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and other related laws and regulations, and to handle personal information appropriately, We declare that we will establish, implement, maintain, and "continuously improve" a management system for the protection of personal information in order to realize the protection of personal information.

  1. Regarding the appropriate protection and use of personal information, we will comply with laws, national guidelines, and other norms, as well as with the items stipulated in this policy, and carefully protect all personal information, including the personal information of our customers. In addition, in order to appropriately respond to the advancement of information technology, we will strive to continuously improve our personal information management system and efforts.
  2. Purposes of Use Except in cases where the Company has obtained the prior consent of the individual concerned or where exceptions are permitted under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or other laws and regulations, the Company will use personal information or Records of Provision to Third Parties within the scope of (3) Purposes of Use, as described below, regarding the dissemination of matters related to retained personal data. In addition, we will use personal information obtained only within the scope of the purpose of use, and will take measures to ensure that personal information is not used for purposes other than the intended use.
  3. Appropriate acquisition of personal information We will acquire personal information or Records of Provision to Third Parties in an appropriate and fair manner within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use, as described below in (3) Familiarization of Matters Concerning Retained Personal Data.
  4. Provision of Personal Information to Third PartiesWhen we need to provide personal information to third parties, we will do so under strict control and in compliance with a personal information protection management system that conforms to the "Requirements for Personal Information Protection Management Systems," for which we obtain the consent of the individual concerned.
  5. Regarding safety and proper management measures of personal information, in addition to conducting educational and awareness-raising activities for employees, the Company will appoint a person responsible for the management of personal information, establish the handling of personal information, and strive for proper management. We will also take reasonable technical measures to prevent and correct unauthorized access to, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, loss, or damage of personal information.
  6. When entrusting personal information to a subcontractor, we will also appropriately supervise the subcontractor. Disclosure Request ProceduresWe will respond appropriately to complaints and consultations as well as to procedures for requesting disclosure, etc., as stipulated by law. If you wish to request disclosure of your personal information, we will respond to your request within a reasonable period of time and to a reasonable extent after confirming that the request is made by you.

Dissemination of Matters Concerning Retained Personal Data or Records of Provision to Third Parties, etc.


(1) Name of organization/Address/President and Representative Director name

Indigo Corporation
6F Carrot Tower, 4-1-1 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0004, Japan
TEL: 03-5433-0562
President and Representative Director Tomoki Ooshima

(2) Personal Information Protection Manager name/Division/TEL

Miho Kudo, Back Office Division  TEL:03-5433-0562

(3) Purpose of use

・Development work related to information systems, etc.
・Information system and computer network system construction
・Operation and provision of services
・To provide information on new products and services
・Providing the latest information on our company, seminars and exhibitions
・Implementation of various campaigns
・To manage contractual relationships with business partners
・Hiring (including recruitment) and personnel management of employees, etc.

(4) Contact for complaints regarding the handling of personal information

Indigo Corporation
6F Carrot Tower, 4-1-1 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0004, Japan
TEL: 03-5433-0562
Contact person: Person in charge of complaints and consultation
Hours: Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)

(5) Name of authorized personal information protection organization and contact for complaint resolution

Name of authorized personal information protection organization
Japan Information Processing Development Corporation
Contact for resolution of complaints
Certified personal information protection organization
Address: Roppongi First Building 12F, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032 Roppongi First Building 12F
Telephone number 03-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779

(6) Procedures for requesting disclosure, etc.

・Contact for disclosure requests, etc.

Indigo Corporation
6F Carrot Tower, 4-1-1 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0004, Japan
TEL: 03-5433-0562
E-Mail: Contact person: Person in charge of complaints and consultation
Hours: Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays)

・Documents to be submitted when requesting disclosure, etc. and method of requesting disclosure, etc.

For inquiries regarding the rights of the individual to personal information (notification or correction of the purpose of use of personal information, addition or deletion, refusal of use or provision, and disclosure of personal information or disclosure of records provisioned to Third parties), please fill out the "Request for Disclosure, etc. Form" provided by the Company after contacting the contact person and return the form to the contact address listed in the Request for Disclosure, etc. form. Please return the form to the contact listed in the "Request for Disclosure, etc." section

・How to verify the identity of the person making the request for disclosure or his/her representative

If the requestor is a representative, we will ask the requestor to present documents (1) through (3) below, and if the requestor is a voluntary representative, we will ask the requestor to present all documents (1) through (4) below.
However, we will not place an excessive burden on the requester, such as requesting a copy of the family register.
(1) Identification that confirms the claimant's name, address, and date of birth (certificate of residence, driver's license, health insurance card, passport, etc.)
(2) A document such as a receipt for utility bills, etc. that can verify the claimant's current address
(3) If the person making the request is a legal representative, a letter of attorney and a document that confirms the authority of representation
(4) Power of Attorney

・Fees for notification of purpose of use and disclosure

Free of charge

(7) Measures taken for the safe management of retained personal data

Please refer to the Security Control Measures for Personal Information